Born at Lady Chancellor Hospital Rhodesia/Zimbabwe

For those born in The Lady Chancellor. When? Where are you now? What are you doing? There have been quite a few re-connections with family and friends through this page. The Rhodesian/Zimbabwean Diaspora!
If your parents or children were born at LCMH, you are welcome to join.
Lorraine Whitehead has updated the history of the LCMH: The Paper House was first used as a maternity home in 1907 and was then known as The Hostel (A Sequence of Time 1900-1914 by GH Tanser). One of our member's father was born there in 1924. Another member's mother-in-law was born there in 1917.
After the move to the new building, some of the roles the *old* LCMH (as Annex) include 1974-1978 the eye ward, the plastic surgery ward and the geriatric ward.