Normangee and Hilltop Lakes area Swap and Shop

Normangee and Hilltop Lakes area Swap and Shop is an open group for individuals to post, sell, trade, or buy items they have or find items they would like to have.
NO BUSINESS POSTINGS ON MAIN PAGE! They will be removed. Please post them in the comments under the Keep Calm and be Your Own Boss photo.
Do not create your own photo albums.
Postings for job openings allowed or for seeking a job.
ALL POSTINGS deleted then end of each month to keep board current and clean.
Page is set to FULL moderation. If your post doesn't follow guidelines it will not be approved.
Please follow all Federal and state laws when selling items. Admin does not accept responsibility for items, actions or things posted in this group. Once you sell your items please delete your photos to help keep the site clean. Many of us already do belong to similar groups but I found it was hard to meet with people so a local version seemed needed!