Belle Plaine MN Online Yard Sale

*Sellers from outside of Belle Plaine MUST disclose their location in the item description. If you do not disclose location you are subject to removal of the group. Out of town sales are limited to within a 60 mile radius of Belle Plaine.

*Blocking an admin is grounds for immediate removal and a permanent ban from the page, as is rudeness, trouble-making or general grade school shenanigans!

*No soliciting for home based parties/ or business advertising

*No selling Fake purses

*No selling illegal items

**Food sales are permissible but by selling or purchasing food products you are taking full responsibility of any illness or death that may occur. You expressly agree not to hold anyone affiliated with this facebook page liable. The sale of formula, medicine or diet drugs, cigarettes, etc. is still banned. *Morel mushroom selling these you are stating you know them to be true morels and take full responsibility if anyone were to become ill or die from them, by purchasing them you are agreeing that you understand the risk of eating wild mushrooms and agree to hold only yourself and the seller liable for illness or death.

Happy shopping!

*ISO=in search of
*BUMP=moves an item to the top of the page
*PPU=pending pick up