Ragdoll cats UK only

This group is for a friendly cat chat about our beloved Ragdolls.... It is not for advertising kittens in anyway, If caught doing this you will be removed without further warning. Asking for or recommending a registered breeder is ok. All adult photos are fine and photos of kittens posted by their proud new owners. Please be nice to each other and not judgemental. As although we don't promote back street breeders, we will not pass this judgement on to the new owners. We also don't want posts of animal cruelty, we are aware it goes on, but when nothing can be done it just upsets our animal lovers. Also please do not post about allowing your cat to roam free unsupervised. Any problems please tag one of the admin team to the post:- Startopcat Ragdolls, Roz Birch-Sargison, Steve Hansey, Suzie Mason, Sanja Horton, Jim Cattomole, and Dave Fielding. Above all enjoy the group :)